PRF Therapy in Birmingham, MI

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What is PRF Therapy?

Have you ever wished for a way to rejuvenate your skin or add curves to your body that didn’t involve scalpels, lasers, or a long recovery time? At Between the Lines Aesthetics in Birmingham, MI, we have the answer: PRF therapy. Short for platelet-rich plasma, PRF therapy is one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures in the industry due to its natural method and thrilling results. Best of all, it offers a variety of cosmetic options, from minimizing the appearance of fine lines on the face to adding volume to the breasts for an overall younger, refreshed appearance. For more information about the benefits of PRFtherapy and how it can be used to help you achieve your desired look, set up your consultation at Between the Lines Aesthetics today.

How Do PRF Treatments Work?

Following your consultation, our nurse practitioner will have you sit or lie back in one of our procedure rooms as a small amount of blood is drawn from one of your arms. This sample will be put in a centrifuge, which will spin it around quickly to separate the components, allowing us to draw out the concentrated platelet-rich plasma. This serum will then be applied to the area(s) you want to have enhanced. To help the serum penetrate into the lower layers of skin, our staff performs microneedling to open up small channels. The entire process is generally quick, creating minimal discomfort for most patients. Once your PRF treatment is done, you can go back to your regular day. We recommend avoiding strenuous activity and being gentle around the treatment areas for a few days. You should begin to notice improvements within 6 weeks.

For clients looking for enhanced results, Between the Lines Aesthetics also offers exosome therapy, which uses lab-formulated growth factors to boost collagen growth without the need for a blood draw. Exosome treatments can provide the same outstanding benefits as PRF therapy, allowing you to enjoy smoother, rejuvenated skin with little to no downtime.

What Are the Benefits of PRF Therapy?

PRF and exosome treatments are a popular option among our clients thanks to their many benefits, which include:

  • Uses the body’s own regenerative processes for natural results
  • Smoothes and softens the skin
  • Promotes collagen and elastin production
  • Reduces the chance of complications compared to conventional skin treatments
  • Improves blood circulation to the treated areas
  • Improves the appearance of wrinkled or crepey skin

Frequently Asked Questions

How does PRF therapy work?

PRF (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy involves drawing a small amount of your blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting the platelet-rich plasma into the targeted area. Platelets contain growth factors that help stimulate tissue regeneration and healing.

What does PRF therapy treat?

PRF therapy can treat many conditions, including skin rejuvenation and regenerating facial volume. By stimulating collagen in the cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, and tear troughs, PRF can allow the face to appear luminous and rejuvenated.

How much does PRF therapy cost?

PRF therapy costs vary depending on the treatment area and the number of sessions needed. Typically, 2 sessions are needed between 4 and 6 weeks apart, so discussing a treatment plan with your provider is important to get an accurate cost estimate.

Where can I get PRF therapy in Birmingham, MI?

PRF therapy is available at Between the Lines Aesthetics in Birmingham, MI, and Ira Harrison offers it as part of her expert services.

How effective is PRF therapy?

While results vary depending on the condition being treated, many patients experience significant improvement in the loss of facial volume with PRFs help in stimulating the growth of collagen.

Can I drink alcohol after PRF therapy?

It is advised to avoid alcohol for at least 48 hours after PRF therapy. Alcohol can dehydrate the body and interfere with the healing process, potentially reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Can I drink caffeine after PRF therapy?

Caffeine is generally safe to consume after PRF therapy, but it’s recommended to limit your intake. Caffeine can constrict blood vessels, which may sometimes slow the healing process.

How soon will I notice the results from PRF therapy?

Results from PRF are not immediate. Typically, you will begin seeing noticeable improvements to your skins appearance within 4 weeks as the platelets need some time to simulate the bodys collagen production. For most treatments, 2 sessions spaced out 4-6 weeks are required for optimal results.

What is the recovery like after PRF therapy?

Recovery after PRF therapy is usually quick, with minimal downtime. You may experience mild swelling that can last for up to 48 hours, redness, or discomfort in the treated area, but these symptoms typically resolve within a few days. While experiencing these symptoms, do not use any ice or anti-inflammatories, as they will inhibit the bodys collagen production. The PRF will continue to grow and stimulate the collagen production for the first 7 days following the treatment.

What To Expect During Your Consultation

During your 30 minute consultation, our experienced nurse practitioner will work to understand your concerns and the goals that you are looking to achieve by receiving PRF therapy. During this consultation, you will learn about different treatment options and a treatment plan will be created based on your unique needs. 

After your initial PPR therapy appointment, we will reach out for a follow-up to reassess your PRF therapy treatment and the next steps to maintaining your results.

Natural Rejuvenation

With PRF and exosome treatments at Between the Lines Aesthetics, you can revitalize your skin without a single incision or scar. This treatment is ideal for those looking for natural solutions for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging treatments. If you are interested in discovering how PRF therapy can benefit you, call our Birmingham, MI practice to schedule an appointment.

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